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Spoken Exchange (Russian - English)

Это группа для тех, кто хочет развить свои навыки разговорного английского или просто поболтать. Здесь мы общаемся на самые разные темы, делимся советами и информацией, а также файлами, связанными с обучением. У нас есть альтернативный метод изучения языка - курс, в котором не делается упор на грамматику. Все члены нашей группы проверены, из разных стран (но в основном русскоязычные), а также есть носители английского языка, которые отзывчивы и рады помочь в общении и практике, как новичкам, так и продолжающим. У нас есть практика чтения на Русском и Английском языках, где вы можете отточить свои навыки произношения. Мы также предлагаем практику Русского языка для носителей Английского языка. Наши администраторы дружелюбны, порядочны и справедливы. Вы будете мотивированы и получать удовольствие от общения с интересными людьми. Вы получите массу новых впечатлений, и мы будем очень рады вас видеть! Добро пожаловать!
This is a group for those who want to develop their conversational English skills or just to chat. Here, we communicate on a variety of topics, share advice and information, and files related to training. We have an alternative method of learning language, a course that doesn't emphasize grammar. All members of our group are verified, from different countries (but mostly Russian-speaking), and there are also native English speakers, who are responsive and happy to help with communication and practice, both for beginners and for those who are continuing. We have Russian and English reading practice where you can hone your pronunciation skills. We also offer Russian language practice for native English speakers. Our administrators are friendly, decent, and fair. You will be motivated and enjoy communicating with interesting people. You'll gain a lot of new experiences, and we will be very glad to see you! Welcome!
This is a group for those who want to develop their conversational English skills or just to chat. Here, we communicate on a variety of topics, share advice and information, and files related to training. We have an alternative method of learning language, a course that doesn't emphasize grammar. All members of our group are verified, from different countries (but mostly Russian-speaking), and there are also native English speakers, who are responsive and happy to help with communication and practice, both for beginners and for those who are continuing. We have Russian and English reading practice where you can hone your pronunciation skills. We also offer Russian language practice for native English speakers. Our administrators are friendly, decent, and fair. You will be motivated and enjoy communicating with interesting people. You'll gain a lot of new experiences, and we will be very glad to see you! Welcome!
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